منتدى علوم المنصورة
أ د / مجدي الياس فارس Ezlb9t10

منتدى علوم المنصورة
أ د / مجدي الياس فارس Ezlb9t10

منتدى علوم المنصورة
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اهلا بك يا زائر لديك 16777214 مساهمة

descriptionأ د / مجدي الياس فارس Emptyأ د / مجدي الياس فارس

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Prof. Dr. Magdi Elias Fares
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Mathematics Department,
Faculty of Science, Mansoura University

[color=red]Personal Data [/color]

Name: Magdi Elias fares
Nationality: Egyptian
Place of Birth: Alexandria- Egypt
Marital Status: married
Date of Birth: 18-09-1953

[color=red]Scientific Qualifications[/color]•
B. Sc. in Pure and applied Mathematics, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, 1973.
• M. Sc. Applied Math, 1980, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science Mansoura University, entitled "Scattering of He3 on some heavy nuclei".
• Ph. D. Applied Math, 1986. Polytechnic Institute, San Petersburg, Russian., entitled "Mixed Variational Principle of the Theory of Elasticity."

Academic Appointment[/size
• Demonstrator in Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, 1974-1980 .
• Assistant Lecturer in Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, 1980-1986.
• Lecturer in Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, 1986-1993.
• Assistant Professor in Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, 1993-2000.
• Professor in Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, 2000-Now

[size=24]Teaching Courses
a) University Teaching for Undergraduate
Faculty / University Course title Language of instruction
Science / Mansoura Theory of Elasticity Arabic and English
Science / Mansoura Theoretical Mechanics Arabic and English
Science / Mansoura Quantum Mechanics Arabic and English
Science / Mansoura Electrodynamics Arabic and English
Science / Mansoura Mechanics Arabic and English
Science / Mansoura Calculus I and II Arabic and English
Science / Mansoura Analytic Geometry Arabic and English
Science / Mansoura Sold Geometry Arabic and English

b) University Teaching for Postgraduate

Faculty / University Course title Language of instruction
Science / Mansoura Theory of Elasticity English
Science / Mansoura Mathematical Methods English
Science / Mansoura Statistical Mechanics English

Language proficiency Reading Writing Conservation
English good good good
Russian good good good

1. The third conference on theoretical and applied mechanics, Cairo, 14-17 November, 1988.
2. The summer school on Multi-purpose mathematical computer programs, Mansoura University, 10-15 September 1994.
3. The international school on History of mathematics from antiquity to the XVIIth century, Mansoura University with CIMPA, Mansoura 23 January to 7 February 1999.
4. ASME Mechanics and Material conference, Virginia - USA, 27 - 30 June, 1999.
5. Conference on Mathematics and 21st century, Cairo 15-20 January 2000.
Supervision of Theses and Dissertation

Title of Thesis Degree Awarded University Awarded Degree Date
1 On the mixed variational principle for the dynamics of nonlinear elastic bodies Ph. D. Mansoura 27-2-1995
2 Optimal design and control of composite laminated plates subjected to thermal loads Ph. D. Mansoura 27-4-2004
3 Design and control optimization for minimum dynamic response of some composite laminated structures Ph. D. Mansoura 27-4-2004
4 Mixed Maupertius-Lagrange formula for anisotropic elastic bodies and its application on a rectangular plate M. Sc. Mansoura 26-6-1989
5 Mixed Hamilton’s principle for anisotropic elastic bodies and its application on a cylindrical shell M. Sc. Mansoura 29-5-1989
6 On the thermal shear deformation of layered composite plates M. Sc. Mansoura 26-10-1989
7 The dynamical equilibrium of viscous fluid between two concentric spheres with oscillation motion by the inner one. M. Sc. Mansoura 25-3-2001
8 Thermal response for some viscoelastic bodies by various thermoelasticity theories M. Sc. Mansoura 26-5-2003
9 A nonlinear multi objective problem for optimal design and control of composite laminates M. Sc. Mansoura

Scientific Awards
National Pries in Mathematics 2001.
List of Publications
• M. E. Fares, B. K. Prakopov,: Extension of mixed variational principle to dynamical problems of linear elastic bodies, 2nd Conference “Theory of Elasticity” Tbilissi USSR, 8-10 Dec., 160-161,1984.
• M. E. Fares,M. N. Allam,: Mixed variational principles for dynamical problems of anisotropic bodies,3rd Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cairo, 14-17 Nov. , 133-149, 1988.
• S. A. El-hafiez, M. E. Fares,:On the stability of the rotational Motion of a satellite – gyrostat with visco- elastic plate in a circular orbit, 3rd Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cairo, 14-17 Nov., 51-67, 1988.
• S. A. El-hafiez, M. E. Fares,: Rotational motion of a symmetric gyrostat around the center of mass in a circular orbit in the presence of visco- elastic disc and bars, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 51, 107-118, 1991.
• M. E. Fares, M. N. Allam, A. M. Zenkour,: Hamilton’s mixed variational formula for dynamical problems of anisotropic elastic bodies, Solid Mech. Archives 14(2), 103-114, 1989.
• M. E. Fares, M. N. Allam,: Vibrations of anisotropic rectangular plate including the effect of shear deformation and rotatory inertia, Mech. Res. Communications, 19(3), 209-218, 1992.
• M. E. Fares,: A Refined two- dimensional theory of anisotropic plates, Mech. Res. Communications 20(4), 319-327,1993.
• M. E. Fares,: On the significance of the inclusion of the effect of transverse normal strain in vibrations problems of anisotropic cylindrical shells, Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ. 21 (1-c), 29-41, 1992.
• M. E. Fares, A. M. Zenkour,: Mixed variational formula for the thermal bending of laminated plates, J. Thermal Stresses 22(3), 347-365, 1999.
• M. E. Fares,: Mixed variational formulation in geometrically non-linear elasticity and a generalized nth–order beam theory,Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics, 34(4), 685-691, 1999.
• A. M. Zenkour, M. E. Fares,: Non-homogeneous response of cross-ply laminated elastic Plates using a higher-order theory, Composite Structures 44(4), 297-305, 1999.
• M. E. Fares, A. M. Zenkour,: Buckling and free vibration of non- homogeneous composite cross-ply laminated plates with various plate theories, Composite Structures 44(4), 279-287, 1999.
• M. E. Fares,: Generalized non-linear thermoelasticity for composite laminated structures using a mixed variational approach, Int. J. Non-linear Mechanics 35(3), 439-446, 2000.
• M. E. Fares,: Non-linear bending analysis of composite laminated plates using a refined first-order theory, Composite Structures 46(3), 257-266, 1999.
• A. M. Zenkour, M. E. Fares,: Thermal bending analysis of composite laminated cylindrical shells using a refined first-order theory, J. Thermal Stresses 23(5), 505-526, 2000.
• M. E. Fares, A. M. Zenkour, M. Kh. El-Marghany,: Non-linear thermal effect on the bending response of composite laminated plates using a refined first-order theory, Composite Structures 49(3), 257-267, 2000.
• M. E. Fares, Y. G. Youssif,: Refined equivalent single- layer model of geometrically non-linear doubly curved layered shells using a mixed variational approach ,Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics 36(1), 117-124, 2001.
• S. A. El-hafeez, M. E. Fares,: On the stability behavior of the rotational motion in a circular orbit for an elastic–rigid body, Mech. Res. Communications 26 (2), 129-137, 1999.
• M. E. Fares, E. El-Gohary,: Stochastic control of the rotational motion of a rigid body using rotors, Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics 36(4), 565-570, 2001.
• M. E. Fares, A. M. Zenkour,: Bending, buckling and free vibration of non-homogeneous composite laminated cylindrical shells using a refined first-order theory, Composites : Part B 32(3), 237-247, 2001.
• Y. G. Youssif, M. E. Fares, M. Hafiz,: Optimal control of the dynamic response of an anisotropic plate with various boundary conditions, Mech. Res. Communications, 28(3), 525-534, 2001.
• M. E. Fares, Y. G. Youssif, A.E. Alamir,: Optimal design and control of composite laminated plates for various boundary conditions using various plate theories, Composite Structures 56, 1-12, 2002.
• M. E. Fares, Y. G. Youssif, M. Hafiz,: Control optimization for maximum thermal buckling and minimum vibrational response of composite laminates, J. Thermal Stresses, 25(11), 1047-1064, 2002.
• M. E. Fares, Y. G. Youssif, A.E. Alamir,: Minimization of the dynamic response of composite laminated doubly curved shells using design and control optimization, Composite Structures, 59, 369-383, 2003.
• M. E. Fares, Y. G. Youssif, A.E. Alamir,: control optimization of composite laminated circular conical shells for minimum dynamic response including transverse shear deformation, Composite Structures, 64, 139-150 , 2004 .
• M. E. Fares, Y. G. Youssif, M. Hafiz,: Structural and control optimization for maximum thermal buckling and minimum dynamic response of composite laminated plates subjected to thermo- mechanical loading, Int. J. Solid Structures, 41(3-4), 1005-1119, 2004 .
• M. E. Fares, Y. G. Youssif, M. Hafiz,: Structural and control optimization for maximum thermal dynamic postbuckling response and minimum buckling temperature of composite laminates, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 30, 89-100,2005.
• M. E. Fares, Y. G. Youssif, A. E. Elshoraky,: Nonlinear design and control of composite laminated plates with buckling and postbuckling objectives, Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics, Accepted 4 May 2006.
• M. E. Fares, M. Kh. Elmarghany,: A refined zigzag nonlinear first-order shear deformation theory of composite laminated plates, Composite Structures, To appear

How to Contact
Address Dept., of Math., Faculty of Science, Mansoura Univ., Mansoura, 35516, Egypt.
Phone Work:050-2242388 Home: 0502262969
Fax 002-050-2246781
E-mail ME_Fares@yahoo.com

descriptionأ د / مجدي الياس فارس Emptyرد: أ د / مجدي الياس فارس

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تلميذك فى كلية تربية دفعة 2005 السيد مجدى

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وسعيده انه من احد دكاترة رياضه عندنا فعلوم المنصوره

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تقبلوا مروري

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فى سنه اولى
وانا بحبه وبحترمه جدا

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طبعا الدكتور مجدي مش معانا في الكليه حاليا لانه علي ما اعتقد بقي سفير ربنا يوفقه
بس بجد هو رمز للدكتورالمحترم الذي يحمل لواء العلم
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