منتدى علوم المنصورة
أ.د عمر عبد السميع الشهابي Ezlb9t10

منتدى علوم المنصورة
أ.د عمر عبد السميع الشهابي Ezlb9t10

منتدى علوم المنصورة
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اهلا بك يا زائر لديك 16777214 مساهمة

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[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Prof. Omar Abd –Elsamei El-Shahaby
Vice – Dean for Education and Students Affairs
Professor of Plant Physiology
Faculty of Science, Mansoura University

Personal Data

Omar Abd –Elsamei El-Shahaby


Date of Birth

Scientific Qualifications

B.Sc., Special Botany, 1974 Mansoura University, Egypt.
M.Sc., 1978, Mansoura University.
Ph.D., 1982, Mansoura University.
Academic Appointment

Vice – Dean for Education and Students Affairs from 5/9/2004 till now .

Vice – Dean for Environment Development of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt from 2/9/2000 till 4/9/2004 .

Professor of Plant Physiology 5/2/1996 Department of Botany Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.

Assistant professor of botany, botany department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt from 1987 till 1996.

Lecturer of botany, botany department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt from 1982 till 1987.

Assistant Lecturer of botany, botany department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt from 1987 till 1982.

Demonstrator at botany department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt from 1974 till 1978.

List of publications

About 36 Papers has bean published in Local and International Journals of Biology

1. M.E. Younis; O. A. El-Shahaby and H. E. Khashaba (1985).Changes in carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolites of Vicia faba plants grown in calcareous soil in Response to treatment with IAA and/or iron and manganese. 2nd Conf. Agric. Bot. Sci., 21-24 Sept.,1985 (Mansoura): 431-445.
2. O. A. El-Shahaby, M.E. Younis; Y. H. El-Shafey and H.E. Khashaba (1985). Changes in growth and element content of Vicia faba plants grown in calcareous soil in response to treatment with IAA and/or iron and manganese. 2nd Conf. Agric. Bot. Sci., 21-24 Sept., 985(Mansoura): 415-429.
3. O. A. El-Shahaby, M.E. Younis and H.E. Khashaba (1986). Changes in carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolites of Vicia faba plants grown in calcareous soil in response to treatment with GA3, and/or iron and manganese. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 11(3): 1077-1088, 1986.
4. M.E. Younis; O. A. El-Shahaby; Y.H. El-Shafey and H.E. Khashaba (1986). Changes in growth and element content of Vicia faba plants grown in calcareous soil in response to treatment with GA3 and/or iron and manganese. Mansoura Sci. Bull. vol. 13(2): 87-108.
5. M.E. Younis; S.M. El-Dohlob, O.A. El-Shahaby and Fatma F. Migahed (1985). Production of growth substances by the dominant rhizospheric fungi of Vicia faba plants. 2nd Conf. Agric. Bot. Sci., 21-24 Sept., 1985 (Mansoura): 61-74.
6. O. A. El-Shahaby, M.E. Younis, S.M. El-Dohlob and Fatma F. Migahed (1985). Influence of some rhizospheric fungi on growth of resistant and susceptible varieties of Vicia faba to Fusarium wilt. Mansoura Sci. Bull. vol. 12, No. (1), 1985: 145-161.
7. M.E. Younis, O. A. El-Shahaby, M.N.A, Hasaneen and M.H. Hussein (1987). Plant growth, metabolism and adaptation in relation to stress conditions. I. Comparative effects of salinity on germination, water content, dry matter and nitrogen metabolites in Vicia faba seeds. Mansoura Sci. Bull. vol. 14(1), 185-205.
8. O. A. El-Shahaby, M.N.A. Hasaneen; M.E. Younis and M.H. Hussein (1987). Plant growth metabolism and adaptation in relation to stress conditions. II. Effects of different levels of salinity on amino acid metabolism in germinating Vicia faba seeds. Mansoura Sci. Bull., vol. 14(1), 153-166.
9. M.N.A. Hasaneen; O.A. El-Shahaby, M.E. Younis and M.H. Hussein (1987). Plant growth, metabolism and adaptation in relation to stress conditions. III.Effects of different levels of salinity on element and acid composition of germinating Vicia faba seeds. Mansoura Sci. Bull. vol. 14(1), 1987,161-184.
10. A.M. Badawi and O.A. El-Shahaby (1989). Fertilizer- induced modifications in the response of Vicia faba plants when their seeds were presoaked in NaCl solution. 1. Effect of KNO3, and KH2-PO4. Mansoura Sci. Bull. vol. 16(2), 185-200.
11. S.A. Abo-Hamed, M.E. Younis, O.A. El-Shahaby and S.A. Haroun (1990). Plant growth metabolism and Adaptation in relation to stress conditions. IX.Endogenous levels of hormones, minerals and organic solutes in Pisum sativum plants as affected by salinity. Phyton (Horn, . Austria), vol. 30(1), 187-199.
12. El-Shahaby, O.A. and A.M. Badawy (1990). Urea and ammonium sulphate - induced modifications in response of Vicia faba plants to salinity stress. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 15(10), 1612-1621.
13. M.E. Younis, O.A. El-Shahaby, S. Abo-Hamed and S.A. Haroun (1991). Plant growth, metabolism and adaptation in relation to stress conditions, VII. Hormonal control of growth and pigment content of salinized Pisum sativum plants. Proc. Intern Conf.: Plant Growth, Drought and Salinity in the Arab Region, 245-255.
14. M.E. Younis, O.A. El-Shahaby, S.A. Abo-Hamed and S.A. Haroun (1991). Plant growth, metabolism and adaptation in relation to stress conditions. XI. Modification of osmotic stress-induced metabolic effects by GA3 or IAA in Pisum sativum L. plants. Acta AgronomicaHungarica, vol. 40(3-4), 367-375.
15. El-Shahaby, O.A., Younis, M.E., Abo-Hamed, S.A. and Haroun, S.A. (1991). Plant growth, metabolism and adaptation in relation to stress conditions. VIII. Changes in growth, pigment and metabolite contents of Pisum sativum induced by salinity. Bull. Fac. Sci., Mansoura Univ., Mansoura, A.R. Egypt 18: 131-147.
16. O. A. El-Shahaby (1992). Internal water status, endogenous levels of hormones, photosynthetic activity in well watered and previously water stressed Vigna sinensis plants under abscisic acid effect. Mans. Sci. Bull. vol. 19(2)(December), 229-245.
17. M.E. Younis, O. A. El-Shahaby, M.N.A. Hasaneen & A.M.Gaber(1993) Plant growth, metabolism and adaptation in relation to stress conditions: XVII, Influence of different water treatments on stomatal apparatus, pigments and photosynthetic capacity in Vicia faba. Journal of Arid Environments, 25:221-232
18. O. A. El-Shahaby (1993). The effect of water stress induced by polyethylene glycol on stomata and photosynthesis in Lupinus termis plants. J.Environ . Sci. vol. 5, 187-201.
19. M.E, Younis, M.N.A. Hasaneen, O. A. El-Shahaby and A.M.Gaber(1993).Plant growth metabolism and adaptation in relation to stress conditions.XVIII. Salinity-induced changes in photosynthetic parameters in broad bean leaves, J. Environ.Sci. Vol. 6, 223-237.
20. H.A.M. Mostafa, O. A. El-Shahaby, Fa.A. Mansour, A.M.Gaber and A.A. Ramadan (1993). Biochemical and physiological aspects of soybean seeds under the effect of benzyl adenine, Egypt. J. Physiol. Sci. Vol. 17(2), 235-253.
21. A.M. Gaber, F.A. Mansour, O. A. El-Shahaby, H.A.M. Mostafa and A.A. Ramadan (1993). Effect of pix on growth,pigments and productivity of soybean plants. Egypt.J. Physiol. Sci. Vol. 17(2),255-270 .
22. P,A.Mansour, O. A. El-Shahaby, H.A.M. Mostafa, A.M. Gaber and A.A, Ramadan (1994). Effect of benzyl adenine on growth, pigments and productivity of soybean plants. Egypt. J. Physiol. Sci. 18 (3) , 345-364.
23. O. A. El-Shahaby, H.A.M. Mostafa, A.M. Gaber, H.S. Aldesuquy and A.A. Ramadan (1994). Biochemical and physiological aspects of soybean seeds under the effect of pix, Egypt. J, Physiol. Sci. 18(2),407-424 .
24. O. A. El-Sbahaby, M, E, Younis, M.N.A. Hasaneen and A.M. Gaber (1994).Plant growth, metabolism and adaptation in relation to stress conditions. XIX.Effect of water stress induction by withholding and excessive water supply on carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism in Vicia faba plants. J. Environ. Sci. vol. 8, 91-106.
25. H.A.M. Mostafa, O. A. El-Shahaby and A.K. abd El-Halem (1994). Effect of GA3 and /or zinc on growth and Productivity of groundnut plants grown in reclaimed soil. Mans. Sci. Bull. Vol. 21(1), 37-52.
26. El-Shahaby, O. A and Abada, E. E. Effect of Abscisic acid on Growth and Hormonal Levels of Phaseolus Vulgaris Plants Grown in Calcareous Soil, J. Agric. SCI. mansoura Univ. 20 (8):3729-3740, 1995.
27. El-Shahaby, O. A and Abada, E. E. Effect of Absciscic acid on Photosynthetic Activity and Elements Content of Phaseolus Vulgaris Plants Grown in Calcareous Soil, J. Agric. SCI. mansoura Univ. 20 (8):3741-3745, 1995.
28. A. M. Gaber, O. A. El-Shahaby and A. A. Ramadan (2000). Effect of Some Hormonal Treatments on Chemical Composition and Favism Causative Agents in the Yielded Seeds Of Vicia faba . Egypt J.Physiol . Sci. , Vol 24(1) :17-45 .
29. M. E. Younis, O. A. El-Shahaby, S. A. Abo-Hamed and A. H. Ibrahim (2000). Effects of Water Stress on Growth, Pigments and 14CO2 Assimilation in Three Sorghum Cultivars . J.Agronomy & Crop Sci. Vol.(185) :73-82 .
30. M. M. Nemat Alla, M. E. Younis, O. A. El-Shahaby and Z.M. El-Bastawisy (2001). Effect of Kinetin on Photosynthetic Activity and Carbohydrate Content in Waterlogged or Seawater Treated Vigna sinensis and Zea mays . OnLine Jour. Biol. Sci. , Vol. 1(10) : 918-924 .
31. S.A. Haroun, O.A. El-Shahaby and E.S. Shawkat (2001). Gibberellic Acid Improve Growth and Metabolism of Gossypium Arboreum Plant Grown in Two Types of Soil. Egypt. J. Physiol. Sci. 25, No. 1, pp. 25-47.
32. M. M.Nemat Alla , M.E. Younis, O. A. El-Shahaby and Z. M. El-Bastawisy (2002) Kinetin regulation of growth and secondary metabolism in waterlogging and salinity treated Vigna sinensis and Zea mays.Acta Phys. Plantarum. Vol. 24(1) : 19-27.
33. O. A. El-Shahaby, M. M.Nemat Alla, M.E. Younis and Z. M. El-Bastawisy ( 2002 ) Effect of Kinetin on Photosynthetic activity and Carbohydrate content in waterlogged or seawater-treated Vigna Sinensis and Zea Mays Plants . Vol. 136(3) : 277-290.
34. S.A.Haroun, O.A.El-Shehaby and E.S.Shawkat (2003). Effect of water stress on growth and metabolism of Gossypium Arboreum plant grown in two different types of Soil . J. Environ. Sci. Vol. 25, 85-205.
35. O. A. El-Shahaby, H.M.Abdel Migid, M.I.Soliman and I.A.Mashaly (2003) Genotoxicity Screening of Industrial Wastewater Using the Allium cepa Chromosome Aberration Assay . Pakistan j. Bio. Sci. Vol. 6 ( 1 ): 23-28.
36. Pieroni A, Elena Giusti M, Pasquale C, Lenzarini C, Censorii E, Gonzales-Tejero MR, Sanchez-Rojas CP, Ramiro-Gutierrez JM, Skoula M, Johnson C, Sarpaki A, Della A, Paraskeva-Hadijchambi D, Hadjichambis A, Hmamouchi M El-Jorhi S, El-Demerdash M, El-Zayat M, Al-Shahaby O, Houmani Z, and Scherazed M, (2006) Circum-Mediterrranean Cultural Heritage and Medicinal Plant Uses in Traditional Animal Healthcare: a Field Survey in Eight Selected Areas within the RUBIA project, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine.
Books:-37. El-Shahaby O, El-Demerdash M, El-Zayat M; The Traditional Value of the Wild and Neglected Plants (Arabic edition) 2005, volume 1.Cairo (Egypt): The Palm Press.

List of postgraduate degrees supervised by Prof. Omar El-Shahaby

Ph.D. degree (9)

A.M. Gaber

S.A. Haroun

Z.M. El-Bastawisy

A.A. Ramadan

A.H. Ibrahim

E.S. Shawkat


G.A. El-Sherbeny

Y.A. El-amer

M.Sc. Degree (4)


A.M. Sadeek

R.A. Goda

El-H.M. El-Nabawy

How To Contact

Address: Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
Fax: 002-050-2246781
Phone: 050/ 2246104
E-mail: [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] Or [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

descriptionأ.د عمر عبد السميع الشهابي Emptyرد: أ.د عمر عبد السميع الشهابي

بجد أ.د عمر عبد السميع الشهابي مثال للدكتور الذي يحترم الطلبة و يحاول حل مشاكلهم
شكرااااا لسيادته علي كل ما فعله من خير لكل الطلاب

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والله الدكتور عمر بالذات من احسن الدكاترة فى الكلية وبجد يارب يبقى فى يوم من الايام رئيس الجامعة عشان تبقى جامعة المنصورةمن احسن الجامعات ربنا يخلى الدكتور عمر للطلبة

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بجد أ.د عمر عبد السميع الشهابي مثال للدكتور الذي يحترم الطلبة و يحاول حل مشاكلهم
شكرااااا لسيادته علي كل ما فعله من خير لكل الطلاب

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بجد والله الدكتور عمر بالذات من الشخصيات المحترمه جدا جدا
ومن الناس الى تستاهل كل التقدير
بجد باب مكتبه مفتوح ديما لكل الطلابه وعلشان اى استفسار
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descriptionأ.د عمر عبد السميع الشهابي Emptyرد: أ.د عمر عبد السميع الشهابي

heba كتب:
بجد والله الدكتور عمر بالذات من الشخصيات المحترمه جدا جدا
ومن الناس الى تستاهل كل التقدير
بجد باب مكتبه مفتوح ديما لكل الطلابه وعلشان اى استفسار
وفعلا من الناس الى بتحسسك كطالب انك ليك اهميه
بجد شخصيه هاااااااااايله وربنا يكرمه

descriptionأ.د عمر عبد السميع الشهابي Emptyرد: أ.د عمر عبد السميع الشهابي

heba كتب:
بجد والله الدكتور عمر بالذات من الشخصيات المحترمه جدا جدا
ومن الناس الى تستاهل كل التقدير
بجد باب مكتبه مفتوح ديما لكل الطلابه وعلشان اى استفسار
وفعلا من الناس الى بتحسسك كطالب انك ليك اهميه
بجد شخصيه هاااااااااايله وربنا يكرمه
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